Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2 Heads are not always better - The fence story....

I want to say that I began dabbling into livestock about 2-3 year ago.  My dear friend Serena McGuire got 2 little pygmy goats and to say the least I was hooked.  Partly because I never let her outdo me even if she really could :).

Nothing would do until I went to KY (the same place) and got me 2.  My mom and I ran the fence the next day and her words to me were "They are not magic, they can't get out"   Now remember there are 2 ft.  holes in the bottom of our fence where it is going over the  mountain.  As always I took her word....and in the 100 degree heat we finished my "goat pasture".  I put them in and within an hour they were out and we were all running throwing big rocks in the gaps.

From there until this past weekend we have been re-stringing and moving fence every single weekend trying to keep them in and not in my neighbors wood shed or on my vehicle.  It was nothing for me to wake up to a porch full of goat poo.  Everytime I would call the same people:  Mom, Dad, and Serena.  Serena would say not nice things to me and remind me how she is tired of working at my house every weekend on a goat fence.  I would tell Mom and Dad how to fix it and Mom would scream at me saying I was crazy they were just goats and they couldn't get out.  GUESS WHAT - They got out. 

From that Serena and Rich created the same type of fence accross the road and wouldn't you know.   NO problems.  So she was quick to laugh at my never ending battle.  Remember most would have given up.  NOT ME!  We kept buying supplies and I kept telling them what kind would really work.

A year ago I decided to also do chickens.  Serena copied me here.  They kept flying out even with their wings cut and then my neighbors dog killed like 20 along with cyotes who killed another 20.  Everyone laughing on the porch about me.  Saying I had a goat and chicken grave on my hill, which is true, but that is because at that time I wasn't following the advice of Lucas Farms (http://www.lucasfarmwv.com/

Then finally I went up on a Saturday to tell them that I had lost 3 more animals the night before.  My uncle Mike made the suggestion of sinking landscape tembers with cement and running fence along that.  My dad added that we should put 2X4's along the top and bottom so that nothing could break through.  This sounded familiar to me.  Why....because I had been screaming this since the beginning.  So here is the result.  I love it.  Most of all, everything is safe and cannot escape with the assurance of nothing is coming in.  I could have built a condo with the money I have in it along with change lent from mom and dad.

Now bragging Serena has been waking up to ducks and goats out of her cage.  I would treat her like she did me and laugh.  I will be there to help and support until it is fixed.  (wink wink...I am laughing now.)

1 comment:

  1. Look at that! It is amazing! Imagine how fine my place here would look if you lived here and could fix it all! lol
