Last year I done really good and got someone to plow and till an area in my backyard. I knew I had succeeded......I even used the fertilizer that my paw paw uses. Right when I had sprouts in the air, I had a problem with several goats dying. Remember, I wasn't even a rookie then! I thought I had a poisonous plant and I could have, but really I didn't know how to take care of them and was killing them one by one. to resolve what I thought was a poisonous plant problem, I moved them into my backyard in a new fence. ( have had several since then). Naturally I built the fence around the successful garden where the goats enjoyed corn, cabbage, and onions.
This year, since I am now the rookie homesteader, I have decided to conquerer the garden. I started by builing a raised garden bed. Therefore I had to haul several loads of rich dirt in the blistering heat. I had shorts, flip flops, and was ringing wet in sweat. Weeds were everywhere and I was just moving them out of my way....remember I was in the mountains.
Guess what.....LOOK WHAT HAPPENED....
When I started breaking out feet, behind my ears, wrists, arms, legs, etc. I was mentioning it to my mom (Jackie). She never said anything but that I should put medicine on it. I was complaining to my uncle who went with my mom to pick out the dirt for me to haul and then gave me directions. He said that he knew there was a patch of poison over top of that dirt and that he told my mom to warn me. Mom instantly speaks out (oooppppsss) I forgot to tell him! NOW WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD SEND SOMEONE IN A POISON PATCH TO GET DIRT!!!!!!
I love you