Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Po Po Got Me!

Many of you may ask what does this have to do with homesteading?  This is why I call myself the "Rookie Homesteader"  Never a dull moment!

It is important that I give you some background information.  Take my wife....Katie.  I love her more than the worlds of the universe could ever imagine.  However, WE ARE TOTALLY OPPOSITE.  She is liked, I am not.  She is calm, I am anxious.  She doesn't worry, I do.  She would be happier in a city setting with the most modern life she could possibly experience.  Almost like the Jetsons!  LOL  Get the picture?  However, I couldn't make it without her!

She has a friend of whom she has became very close to.  The share interest and views, putting me even further from connection.  Let me throw in a disclaimer.  This woman is an anointed woman of God and to be respected.  None of this is intended to be harmful towards her.  It is just that people are different or in my case I am different from most.  :)  You can imagine that the two of them together do not get my sense of humor.  Katie gets it....but not in public of any sort.  If we are around anyone she tends to roll the eye at my humor.

On this particular day, I woke up and Katie had taken the SUV.  Not a problem you say, well yes it was...the SUV had my license, and new registration.  This is typical of our marriage.  We are very unorganized.  This would not normally be a problem, but the Po Po had already pulled me over warning me.  I have a history with the big white Cadillac that always has dead stickers.  :(  They sit right above my school where I work, and I knew I would get it if I showed up back in town.  I called Katie and explained this. Her response was to tell them to look it up in the computer no big deal.  YA LET'S TRY THAT.

The mean little boy rose up in me. I ended up taking my mom's vehicle to work and once I got there I text Katie and told her that I done as she told me and told the PO PO to look it up in the computer.  I told her that he responded back by saying he wasn't a computer tech and gave me a 200 dollar ticket.  Well, she freaked out.  I felt accomplished and went on teaching the whole day and forgot about it.

Meanwhile she is telling everyone including her best friend I mentioned up top.  Her whole department was feeling sorry for her having to pay 200 bucks for a ticket.  It happened to be Noah's birthday party and the two of them rode home from school together so they could take Emma to gymnastics and pick up pizzas on the way home for the party.

So picture this...they pull in my mom's house to get Emma and noticed my car.  OMG.  I am sure Katie was furious and I am sure the question arose as to how I got a ticket in a car that never left my hollow.  LOL.  So  Katie had to explain how terrible I was and that I had obviously told a small fib for the sake of an awesome joke.  This type of humor probably wasn't received.   Who wouldn't feel sorry for her having to put up with this?  LOL.

Needless to say I was confronted from the wife...go figure.  NO MORE PO PO!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rookie Homesteader Vs. Everyone Else - The Difference

As the Rookie Homesteader, I often find myself in situations that many farmers or homesteaders don't.  Most people swing on luck.  For most, the very season they set out to raise a garden, they have the biggest crop known to man.  The instant they decide to raise chickens, they get them and receive 20 eggs a day.  If they want a pig, they get one and it is at butcher weight within 2 months!

And now for the reason I call myself the Rookie Homesteader.  When I grow a garden, no rain;  When I get chickens, my neighbors dog eats them; when I get a pig (Well read about my first Pig experience here).  Ya...that is my luck with farming.  However, I cannot stop!

I do feel like I am making so much progress.  I have canned goods in my cabinets, pork in the freezer, and a ton of ideas LOL.  I got 20 chickens in the room in their brooder.  These will be raised for meat and will be butchered.  However while they are here they will enjoy the full life that a chicken possibly could and fed healthy food for my family.  As you can see from the pictures below my mom was not as excited :)

I know she is thinking these will end up like the hundreds of others that I bought for a dog!  I have a plan this time.  LOL  It will be chronicled here keep watching.  As of now they are safe in my house chirping away.....Katie will be complaining on facebook in 2 days of the noise LOL.

I mentioned in the last post that Arthur was butchered.  He provided plenty of meat.  I cannot wait to get another one.  My friends Amber and Chad Bishop cooked the first meal off of him and since then I have made ribs along with Pinto beans from the neck bones.  DDEEELLLIIICCIIOUUUSS.  Loved it.  The taste was so pure and cannot be described.  The best part was I didn't feel disgusted after I ate.  I knew the food was wholesome and knew where it came from.  Much better to give to your family.

It is Amber's birthday today.  I am going to give her a shout out on here and wish her a happy birthday.  Hope it was great.  Here she is in her birthday suit LOL If you are new to the blog please read the past posts...I am sure you will find them entertaining.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Life Well Lived.

My goal has and always will be for my family to have food that is free from toxic junk.   I started with the simple yet productive hen providing very healthy eggs for us.  I loved it.  I thought I was on top of the world. As you can read from my previous posts I had so much trouble sustaining them it was pathetic.  That hobby is still growing to this day.  Just recently my hens have started laying again.  Emma was as excited as me and I am sure Noah will love it this year because he will understand it more.
Emma and the first egg of the season!

My kids are total farmers.  Even though "Biga Boy" is little he still has it in his eyes just like his sister did.  Before long he will be out with me gathering eggs, butchering, etc.

Thankfully, we are in full swing with the growing season.  I love winter more than anything or anyone can, but it does make me excited to see life coming about.

We began this year with a bang!  Last October we purchased our first pig.  Emma of course named the pig Arthur The Pig and Biga Boy just looked on. 

We grew the pig ourselves.  We know every ounce of feed that went into the animal.  No hormones, No steroids, No antibiotics....pure....healthy.....complete!

This past Saturday we decided to butcher the pig.  Everyone was horrified that I was doing it.  Thankfully, my dear friends Chad Bishop came to my rescue!  I had never done it.  However we succeeded and he is being packaged this week.  We will eat great and healthy.  I do plan to get another one! 

Do you guys remember the blog co-star SERENA?  Here she is....Now she will never admit it....would die first but she has a special bond with pigs!  She had one in her house she kissed on all the time.  She was trying to train it to use a litter box, but as you can tell she isn't as "educated looking" as us country folk.  She comes from the city and didn't understand they belonged outside.  So I imagine she is hurt over the pigs death.

My pig however had a great life.  She wasn't confined to a concrete pad that took away it's rights as a natural pig.  She played and ran just the way it was meant.  My dad is afraid of animals.  She got out often and rooted up my entire yard and my dad being the total opposite of me hated the fact that his son's yard was destroyed by a nasty pig. 

However Dad thought he was big...was gonna put the pig back up for me because she only got out while I was at work. He was so scared of her but would never admit it.  LOL.  He was running at the pig with a Hoe trying to defend himself and finally he gave up.  HE was furious and I had to call my friend Keith Carter from work to put it back up. He got her up with one single cup of feed.  :)

I will be updating this often.  There are always something that happens.  Always a laugh.  I am going pickin this summer and getting much more on the farm I am sure.  Another pig is a given!.....